
Karla DeBruin

Des Moines, IA // Graphic Design + Photographer


Hello! My name is Karla DeBruin, I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design in May 2022 at the University of Northern Iowa. I moved to Des Moines, IA in August 2022.

I currently work at Smokey Row. It’s a fun job, with great people. I’m a barista at day, and a wanna-be freelancer at night.

I worked at Homemakers as an E-Commerce Product Coordinator. I make sure we have photos of products on our website, whether that was sending products in the photo studio or finding vendor images. It was a fun job, as it was never the same day!

At UNI I worked at the Northern Iowan, the newspaper on campus. I’ve worked there since Nov. 2019. I enjoyed the newspaper, it gave me another love for print and publication. At the newspaper I have a lot of responsibilities including: making pages 7 & 8, creating infographics when needed, taking photos of events around campus, updating our website and many more. It also helped me with my writing. We write in AP style and I’ve enjoyed learning more about it.

In my spare time I love drawing, taking pictures, taking care of my plants, enjoying nature and hanging out with my friends.

About Karla Anne Designs

Karla Anne Designs started in 2021. I wanted a place where I can showcase my work and have it saved somewhere other than school, or the newspaper.

Karla Anne Design

About Me

Hello! My name is Karla Anne, I’m a graphic designer in Iowa!

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“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Col. 3:23 (NIV)

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